EPA, OSHA, DOT Regulatory Information
How to Read Regulations
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the printed rules of 50 different federal departments. However, our focus is primarily on OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and DOT (Department of Transportation). Each volume of the CFR is updated once each calendar year and is issued on a quarterly basis.
The first number is referred to as "the title" - this will tell you which agency's regulations you're looking into:
29 CFR - OSHA (Occupational Health & Safety Administration)
29 CFR 1910
This Section applies to all permanent places of employment, except where domestic, mining or agricultural work only is performed. Measures for the control of toxic materials are considered to be outside the scope of this section.
29 CFR 1910.22(a)(2)
SUMMARY: Floors in your work place should be, "maintained in a clean and, so far as possible, a dry condition."
29 CFR 1910.107(b)(3)
SUMMARY: If floors in a spray booth or work area are combustible, they "shall be covered with non combustible material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of residues.
29 CFR 1910.107(g)(2)
SUMMARY: OSHA requires spraying areas to be "kept as free from accumulation of deposits of combustible residues as practical."
Any of our pads or rolls will help maintain clean floors and safe walking areas.
We highly recommend our FIne Fiber line if you want to protect the floors in areas where workers could be walking. Fine Fiber comes in Universal, Oil-Only, or Hazmat absorbencies.
Also, we offer a full line of tough Universal Industrial Rugs in a number of weights and sizes to best fit your application.
These rugs are great in areas where there is heavy foot and forklift traffic.
Please check out our catalog for more information.
29 CFR 1910.120(j)(1)(vii)
SUMMARY: Under an OSHA requirement, "DOT specified salvage drums or containers and suitable quantities of proper absorbents shall be kept available and used in areas where spills, leaks, or ruptures may occur."
Some of our Overpacks are DOT-approved and X-rated for use as salvage drums. Our Overpacks are sturdy and chemical-resistant for years of use. We also carry complete Spill Kits packaged inside the same certified Overpacks. We offer kits in trucker size, 20 gallon, 50 gallon, 65 gallon and 95 gallon. Standard kits include pads, socks, gloves, goggles and more.
40 CFR - EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
40 CFR 112
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) planning requirements state that facilities subject to these regulations must have written plans in place discussing the products, countermeasures and procedures that are in place, or will be taken by the facility to prevent discharge of oil into waters of the United States. Facilities that store 1320 gallons of fuel or more must conform to the SPCC regulations.
40 CFR 112.7(c)(1)(vii)
SUMMARY: Facilities that have the potential to polllute waterways to have, "appropriate containment and/or diversionary structures or equipment to prevent discharge oil from reaching a navigable water course."
40 CFR 112.7(c)(1)(iv)
SUMMARY: Booms and other barriers may be considered part of "appropriate containment and/or diversionary structures or equipment to prevent a discharge."
We carry a number of items designed to both react to spill as well as to prevent one from happening. Some of our most popular are our Sock/Net Booms. These are cylindrical tubes filled with absorbent polypropylene. They have netting on the outside with ahrdware made to have ends slightly overlap one another so as not to allow for any gaps that oil could slip through. The polypropylene will resist water while absorbing oil, allowing the boom to float on top of the water. Some customers like to additionally use our Containment Boom to protect any amount of area from oil discharges. The 12" skirt on these non-absorbent booms hangs below the water line to prevent oil-based liquids from getting udnerneath the boom and possibly contaminating more water. You can find details on these products and any other Spill Control Products in our catalog.
40 CFR 263
These regulations establish standards, which apply to persons transporting hazardous waste within the United States if the transportation requires a manifest under 40 CFR part 262.
40 CFR 263.30(a)
SUMMARY: In the event of a spill, transporters must, "take appropriate immediate action to protect human health and the environment."
40 CFR 263.31
SUMMARY: Transporters, "must clean up any hazardous waste discharge that occurs during transportation...so that the hazardous waste discharge no longer presents a hazard to human health or the environment."
We carry a wide range of Spill Kits designed purposely for immediate access and usage in the event of a spill. One of the many kits we offer is our Trucker's Kit. This kit is made specifically with truck drivers in mind. The kit comes in Universal, Oil Only, and Hazmat absorbencies. The standard trucker's kit contains everything you need to handle a spill including pads, socks, gloves, goggles, and temporary disposal bags and comes packaged ina zippered bag small enough to fit right behind the driver's seat of the truck cab. These kits can also be customized to fit your specific needs.
40 CFR 264.175
SUMMARY: Hazardous waste containment systems must be free of structural cracks or gaps, be designed to keep spill liquids from remaining in contact with the container, prevent run-on and "have sufficient capacity to contain 10% of the volume of the containers, or the volume of the largest container, whichever is greater." For example, if you have four 55-gallon drums your secondary containment would need to hold at least 55 gallons total. (10% of the total would be 55 gallons x 4 drums = 220/10 = 22 gallons. However, 100% volume of the largest one is 55 gallons. Since you must take the greater, your minimum sump capacity is 55 gallons.)
This particular regulation is one that we see the most. We carry a number of secondary containment options including 2 Drum and 4 Drum Spill Pallets which can hold up to 1500 lbs and sump 90 gallons! Check out our full line in our catalog.
49 CFR - DOT - Department of Transportation
49 CFR 173
This section deals largely with transporting hazardous materials and waste by air, highway, rail or waterways.
49 CFR 173.3(c)(1)
SUMMARY: If a container of hazardous waste is damaged or leaking, it can be placed in a compatible salvage drum that meets UN criteria for shipping.
49 CFR 173.3(c)(2)
SUMMARY: When a salvage drum is used to overpack a damaged container, the area between the container and the salvage drum must have, "sufficient cushioning and absorption material to prevent excessive movement of the damaged package and to eliminate the presence of any free liquid at the time the salvage drum is closed." The packing material must also be compatible with the hazardous material.
49 CFR 173.12(b)
SUMMARY: A container used for lab packing must be, "a UN 1A2 or UN 1B2 metal drum, a UN 1D plywood drum, a UN 1G fiber drum or a UN 1H2 plastic drum tested and marked at least for the Packing Group III performance level for the liquids or solids."
49 CFR 173.12(b)(2)(iv)
SUMMARY: When lab packing, "inner packaging's....must be surrounded by a chemically compatible absorbent material in sufficient quantity to absorb the total liquid contents."
Some of our containers are certified as BOTH Overpacks and Salvage Drums. they are UN X Rated to carry the most hazardous chemicals allowed. Our Overpacks also come with a screw-on top for a secure closure for transportation.
We offer a variety of Overpack/Salvage Drums in sizes ranging from 20 gallons up to 95 gallons. You can see the complete array in our catalog.
It may be hard to tell just by looking at them, but there si a difference between Salvage drums and Overpacks. An Overpack is simply a container that goes OVER or AROUND another container. A Salvage Drum, however, meets more stringent standards for transporting materials. Bother Overpacks and Salvage Drums must pass requirements for size and liquid volume as well as stack and drop tests. A Salvage Drum must be then pass an additional pressure test. Salvage Drums must also have the term "Salvage" or "Salvage Drum" stamped onto the drum itself in order to properly qualify as a Salvage Drum.